Sunday, May 01, 2005

She's got a new hat. We have a new camera. Time to pack for the trip.

We're playing with the camera and packing for the trip now..

Dominika and Eva posing on the couch at Gosia's.

Bernadetta and Eva at Gosia's.

Bernadette and Dominika pose on the couch @ Gosia's.

Here we are on the street. B must be playing photographer now.

I was reading the manual; now I'm just posing.

Image processing to the rescue on this shot! (Or not..)

Darn camera washes out faces. There's more like this one..

No, actually this one is just fine.

Look Serious!

Look curious!

Look Happy!

Look laser beams!

Too dark, can't fix it.

I glow with and inner light...

This is vivacious.

I think I'm leaning sideways.

There's my halo again.

No we're on the couch with presents!

Nice ring, how about the presents?

Blindingly good, of course.

Almost there...

It's open!

And now the next one...

The presents are over already?

Someone plays with her hair, think?

Big kiss!

You're too close!

That's better, thanks.

Gotta run, see you tomorrow.

Hey, there is Gosia. At Gosia's.

Gosia, your place is great.

Hi there.

Camera got fancy, but no-talent photographer messed it up.

I make posing look easy.

This is Poland. It was a bit chilly here.

Not so pretty up close, huh?

Pay attention to the camera!

Here's a happy pair, huh?

Good coffee for Eva.

And the pizza! Yummy.

Hey it's Monika! Hi Monika.

It's not easy being green.

How you doin, Bob?

Gosia is at the mall.

Nice closeup, camera works okay at the mall.

Of course, looks like I need more rest. Or a comb.

There's some Polish on the sign back there, see?

On the street, Poland is in the background.

Aw, isn't she cute?

Now we can party!

This time I'm looking, and she's messing it up!

Hi Iza!

Iza and Tom, back then.....

Buddies, beauties, Berna and Iza..

You looking at me?

This is my life story, there on the right. (note: pre-nail destruction)

Only the cooks get to eat, you know?

more happy family


Happy family on the couch.

Hey! Who's taking the picture??

Again, the ghost photographer?

ByeBye, Dominika!

Gosia #2, but she's not mean.


There's Beata. That's a nice coffee. Hi Beata!

This is me all relaxed etc.

Really? (Napravda?)

Mom and Rafael's first photo!

Look, I got a lovely gift!

Mama Kaleta

Papa Kaleta


Let me show you how it's done.

It's nail-biting time, the gang's all here.

I'm not biting my nails, see?

On the street.

Better picture man could've made this shot happen.

Let's eat!

or drink?

Try my tea.

Darn these nails, anyway!

mmm. Stuffed.

Back off buddy.

Last one, almost got it.

Gosia's happy.

What's up, dog?

Tired, or just me?

It's early here.

Let's go, bags are ready.

See the stars in my eyes?

Bye, Mom and Eva. (and Poland)